Feature Request: MathJAX support

Lukas's Avatar


06 Aug, 2018 10:30 AM


I'm using VoodooPad for managing my scientific knowledge and would love to be able to render math equations using MathJAX syntax in my documents. This would be especially great if VP could render MathJAX equations in Markdown documents.

Any chance that this is a feature you can include in the future?

  1. 1 Posted by Sarah on 20 Aug, 2018 12:57 PM

    Sarah's Avatar

    Hi Lukas,

    Once again I apologize for the late response. I've passed your suggestion on to the team and we will see if we can incorporate it into future iterations of VoodooPad. If you have any other feature requests, feel free to post about it in the VoodooPad 6 Wishlist thread here: http://support.primatelabs.com/discussions/voodoopad/9498-voodoopad...

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