VoodooPad 6 - Text Colors not Saved
I like that VoodooPad 6 exists for my M1Max MacBook Pro, and I can live with a few rough edges, but one that is kinda tough is the fact that the foreground text color isn't saved in the files, so if I use colors for my docs to impart meaning to titles, etc., it's all lost when I close, and re-open, the document.
I don't know if this is an "easy" fix - or if it has to wait for a post-pandemic, person to fix this, but it would be nice to have an update that fixed that... But I understand.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by John on 16 Mar, 2022 09:43 PM
Thanks for letting us know about the issue. It looks like it was introduced when we added support for Dark Mode. Hopefully we can find a straightforward fix that doesn't break Dark Mode support!