How I use VoodooPad

Whymme's Avatar


17 Jan, 2018 10:15 PM

Glad to see Voodoopad getting a new life again.

I saw Jan Erik Moström's post in these forums and thought that it would be nice to tell how I use VoodooPad.

My main VP document describes a fictious city, the setting of a roleplaying campaign that we've been playing for many years now. For those who know pen-and-paper RPGs, it is the city of Marienburg, in the Warhammer Fantasy Role-play universe. There has been a sourcebook that described the city in incredible detail. I have copied that information into VoodooPad, with separate pages for each single building and each single person described - and a few others, dealing with general information about the city. I have added new pages for information about the city from other sources, and for characters and places that I came up with myself. The document consists of more than 600 pages now.

Why it is great to have this kind of information in VoodooPad instead of in a book:
* It is portable. I use the document on my iPad when playing, so I have the information at my fingertips. A book with 600 pages would be much heavier to carry around.
* It navigates quickly. I can use search to get to a page with needed information quickly.
* As in real life, people are linked to other people and to places. When I look at a person, I can quickly find who he is friends with and which places he frequents - and then follow the links to those other persons and places.
* It is expandable. I can easily add new pages, and in this way the document is a growing city.
* It is changeable. Things happen during the course of the role playing game. People in the game world get a new job, join other organisations, make new friends, or get ill and - sometimes - die. Places get new owners, or get destroyed, or rebuilt. These changes can quickly be incorporated into the VP document, which makes it always up to date.

I have now started to develop a new fictuous setting, and am doing that in VP as well. The program really helps me to keep consistent. Different pieces of information get on different pages, but because of the links between the two, I can make sure that these two pages don't contradict each other, in a much better way than I could do in a normal, one-dimensional, text document.

  1. 1 Posted by Colin on 17 Jan, 2018 10:31 PM

    Colin's Avatar

    Hi Whymme,

    It's great to see that you're enjoying VoodooPad! We're always happy to hear about how people are using VoodooPad, and it helps us to focus on the most impactful features. If you (or anyone else) have any suggestions for how we can make VoodooPad better for you, please don't hesitate to let us know!

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

  2. 2 Posted by Flexmeister on 22 Jan, 2018 08:12 PM

    Flexmeister's Avatar

    How do you deal with name changes? E.g. you think of a better name for a company, you can't simply change the page title since it would break the links.

  3. 3 Posted by Colin on 22 Jan, 2018 08:45 PM

    Colin's Avatar

    Hi Flexmeister,

    There is currently no way to change the text of all links pointing to a page when you rename that page. You can change the page's name, and then access the Page tab of the Info palette to add the old name as an alias for the new name. This way, your old links will point to the newly named page.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

  4. 4 Posted by Whymme on 22 Jan, 2018 09:03 PM

    Whymme's Avatar

    I have not had this situation yet. But if aliases are not the solution, you could use backlinks from the page to be renamed, and then manually change all the links to the new page.

  5. 5 Posted by Flexmeister on 22 Jan, 2018 09:38 PM

    Flexmeister's Avatar

    The aliases should work for this. Never thought of this, thanks!

  6. 6 Posted by Chris on 24 Jan, 2018 03:55 AM

    Chris's Avatar

    This is exactly what I used to use VoodooPad for - worldbuilding and managing fictitious settings for my writing. After being a loyal customer for years, I gave up on it when it corrupted the document and despite contacting Plausible for help I got zero response for them.

    For world-building now, I use a big Scrivener project.

    That said, I do miss the power of VoodooPad, especially it's immense scripting abilities. I keep hoping Voodoopad will rise from the ashes.

  7. 7 Posted by gomathesnail on 24 Jan, 2018 11:05 AM

    gomathesnail's Avatar

    I use VoodooPad for this as well - I have my Dungeons & Dragons campaign and rules in it, with locations, spells, characters etc as separate pages. I find VoodooPad invaluable, and am super happy that it's having new life breathed into it!

  8. 8 Posted by Philipp Sturm on 25 Jan, 2018 05:16 PM

    Philipp Sturm's Avatar


    I bought an serial code by Paddle but the registration fail. There is a box for the name and a box for the serial code. It shows an message that the name or the key is failure. I type my name in the box an with copy and paste the serial code. What can be wrong??

  9. 9 Posted by gomathesnail on 25 Jan, 2018 05:50 PM

    gomathesnail's Avatar

    Philipp, I had the same problem when I bought it a couple of days ago - It seemed to work when I put the start of the email address I used to register as the name (the part before the "@"). Hope it works for you. But I think this needs to be fixed, because at the moment you're not given a name in the registration email.

  10. 10 Posted by Philipp Sturm on 25 Jan, 2018 06:15 PM

    Philipp Sturm's Avatar

    Thanks James!
    It works!! It must be fixed, because it's very illogical. My email address doesn't include my name.
    Nice evening!

  11. 11 Posted by Colin on 25 Jan, 2018 06:19 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    I'm sorry for any confusion. James is correct that you should be able to register your copy of VoodooPad by using the first part of your email before the @ symbol as your Name, and the full license key (including the characters before and after the hyphen) after "Registration".

    We're investigating this issue and aim to resolve it in a future update. In the mean time, if you would like your "Name" to be changed to something that will be easier to remember for you, please contact us at [email blocked] and we can change the name associated with your account to something that you would prefer.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

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