Line breaks on the iOS version

Flexmeister's Avatar


11 Jan, 2018 09:34 AM

Since you guys have taken over, I've been trying to give VoodooPad another chance. I started with the simplest of things: a shopping list. But it seems like line breaks don't survive the sync. Or rather, they're not displayed in the iOS version. I tried making a bullet list, I tried adding two spaces after each line, but the iOS version still puts everything in the same line. In edit mode, it shows up as intended.
What do?

Edit: Looks like bullet lists and putting two spaces at the end of each line do work after all. Dropbox had a hangup and didn't sync the new version properly.

  1. 1 Posted by Colin on 11 Jan, 2018 04:46 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you encountered a Dropbox syncing issue, but I'm glad that your formatting seems to be working correctly. If you run into any further syncing problems, especially if they appear consistently, please let us know so that we can take a closer look.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

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