Multiplatform use
Have had VoodooPad since Gus wrote it. I’m glad it has an iOS version, and I keep a lot of personal stuff on it. I wish I could use it for work (large govt entity), but Windows is what they give us, the so-called cloud services change repeatedly (Dropbox was ok but now is not, currently based on Box but with custom layers, another is based on open-source ownCloud with different custom layers). So, I have been using plain text, but yet another nice iOS text editor has bitten the dust and i only noticed because it lost its DropBox sync.
In a nutshell, I need a tool that’s portable, preferably with a company that will live as long as BBEdit, with support if I need it but well-crafted enough to not need it. And files I can easily extract my content from if the apocalypse takes out all the programmers.
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1 Posted by Colin on Dec 14, 2017 @ 06:28 PM
Thanks for reaching out to us. We certainly plan on supporting VoodooPad for a long time to come, and to provide regular updates based on feedback. I'll pass your suggestions for increased portability and content-extractability along to our team and see if we can incorporate them into a future update.
If I understand correctly, Dropbox sync isn't allowed for the purposes of your workplace. Is there another sync system that would better meet your needs?
All the best,
Primate Labs Inc.
2 Posted by Jane O'dell on Dec 14, 2017 @ 06:52 PM
I think whatever method needs to be platform agnostic. They have changed cloud services 4 times in the last 5 years, and all of them have a custom layer added after the fact to track who is using/editing the files; they are trying to comply with practices that meet legal mandates, security, accountability while still maintaining accessibility and with no extra funding. I’m lucky to be able to use any cloud services. If there is a form of syncing, even if it was only a side channel, that was content-only-ie plain text/html/xml(and optionally images eg/jpg/png), but got synchronized at regular intervals through the cloud client, that would be worthwhile.
For example, the system that works for me is use the specific desktop client provided by the service. On the Mac, the files go in the filesystem folder designated by the service with the help of a filesystem client. On Windows, same. On iOS, the 2 services that work the best work like Dropbox-the files autosave to the DropBox/OwnCloud folder and I guess the cloud app then does the heavy lifting? A little fuzzy on that. Heck, even a WebDav client would do the trick for phone/iPad access-I could point it at my own web site and dump the files there, then let my Mac rsync it to the desktop client. Or even more outrageous, a BitBucket client. <mutters into beard about proprietary formats being the work of the devil ;-) >
Thanks for asking-let me know if I can confuse you any more…