"VoodooPad has no authorization to open file..."
Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to open linked local files or folders in the finder:
if I add a link /resp. a path like file:///Users/Shared/test.rtf (even with r&w-rights for everyone)
it refuses with a voodoopad-error-message:
Could not open Sorry, but I could not open file:///Users/Shared/test.rtf> ..and a finder-message: The Programm "VoodooPad" has no rights to open "test.rtf".
Just links to files within a database or file-management program like eaglefiler
e.g. x-eaglefiler://open?library=~/Documents/EGF/EGF.eflibrary&recordGUID=mZ1xxjoASy63WTskEf_T2g
do work
This deficiency occurs since every voodooPad- on every macOS-Version
and it makes voodooPad less genius !
Is there a workaround or can it be solved ?
Thanks !!!!
by the way: yes, a shortcut to add a link would be really great :)
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Support Staff 1 Posted by John on 23 Mar, 2020 05:22 AM
Did you download VoodooPad from the VoodooPad website or from the Mac App Store?
2 Posted by OWA on 25 Mar, 2020 11:46 AM
it’s from the website! Do you know this issue?
For the moment and maybe finally I helped myself with „hook“: due to it’s own path-„style“ my voodoopad accepts its links and the procedure to add is much faster (in voodooPad it fixes as well the deficiency that copy/pasted or drag/droped links from webbrowsers appear just als clickable/linked url-paths and not clickable/linked Sitesnames (this works just in the bucket-window !??) well, with hook this is fixed as well :) ...tremendous extension for the whole macOS, you should try :)
Thanks, Onno
But, can you please add a shortcut for „Link hinzufügen..“ („Add link..“!?) like cmd-k in textedit