Some Basics (Drawer & Default window size)
Great to see new versions / bug fixes happening! Two questions:
1) Is there any way to set the drawer to remain open independently of which tab I'm on or open? Having to constantly re-open the drawer as I navigate through tabs is getting tiresome, very quickly.
2) Is there any way for the VoodooPad document to retain the size of the window when the document is closed and re-opened, or at least, to be set to something different than the default? At the moment, it re-opens consistently to a rather small square that always needs immediate resizing.
Thanks much!
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1 Posted by Sarah on 01 May, 2018 03:05 PM
Hi Naomi,
Thanks for posting about this. At the moment, the drawer will not stay open automatically when you open a new tab. I'll pass your suggestion on to the team to see if we can incorporate this option in future.
In the meantime, if you haven't already, you can add a button on your toolbar to open the drawer - this might make opening the drawer a bit less cumbersome. You can do this by going to View > Customize Toolbar > and dragging the icon for Drawer to your toolbar. Let me know if this helps at all.
In regards to your second point, there are some other users who are also experiencing this issue. I'd like to gather a bit more information so we can take a closer look. Could you share what model of Mac and macOS you are currently using to run VoodooPad?
Primate Labs Inc.
2 Posted by Naomi Schoenfel... on 06 May, 2018 12:09 AM
Thanks for the reply! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the tab staying open makes it onto the make-it-happen list.
As far as the second, I’m a 2017 iMac running OS 10.13.4
3 Posted by Sarah on 07 May, 2018 03:14 PM
Hi Naomi,
Thanks for providing those details. I've passed them on to the team and we will take a look at this issue as soon as possible. I'll let you know if I have an update.
Let me know if there is anything else you need help with.
Warm regards,
Primate Labs Inc.
4 Posted by Markus on 06 Jun, 2018 08:15 AM
Hi, same over here, since I updated my Mac Pro and macbook pro to High Sierra (10.13.4) VP opens up in a tiny little square. Never did this before updating though.
5 Posted by Sarah on 06 Jun, 2018 02:31 PM
Hi Markus,
Thanks for letting us know. Out of curiosity, what specific version of macOS were you using before, when it was working? And were you using VoodooPad 5.2.0 with that OS?
Primate Labs Inc.
6 Posted by Chatterhum Musi... on 06 Jun, 2018 03:07 PM
I have been using VP for many years now, so all OS Versions since 2007 were fine until this new one.
The one before I updated to High Sierra was 10.11 El Capitan.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for making Vodoo Pad :)
7 Posted by Naomi Schoenfel... on 22 Jun, 2018 07:46 PM
Just following up -- I just installed the most recent fix (Version 5.2.1 (6316)), which indicates it fixes VoodooPad remembering the location and window size.
It's still not remembering it on mine. All VoodooPad docs still open to a small, square window in the lower right on my screen.
8 Posted by Sarah on 22 Jun, 2018 08:05 PM
Hi Naomi,
Thanks for following up and letting us know this is still an issue. I've let the team know, and I'll post here if I have any updates.
Let me know if you need help with anything else.
All the best,
Primate Labs Inc.
9 Posted by Darin on 22 Jun, 2018 10:47 PM
I just updated and am still having the window issue.
If I quit VoodooPad, when I relaunch the application it doesn't reopen the windows I had open. And when I open the document I had open, it doesn't reopen with all the tabs, but rather only opens the index page.
VoodooPad: 5.2.1 (6316)
Computer: Mid 2015 MacBook Pro (15")
OS: 10.13.5
(all details in the system report I uploaded, "MacBookPro.spx")
10 Posted by Markus on 23 Jun, 2018 06:48 AM
Thank you for the new update! Unfortunately still no change, VP opens up in a small square on Mac Pro late 2013 / High Sierra.
Support Staff 11 Posted by John on 23 Jun, 2018 02:54 PM
We’re aware of some remaining issues with document and window restoration in 5.2.1 (in general we believe it should be much better than 5.2.0). Unfortunately we believe the issues involve macOS itself. We’re working with Apple to resolve these remaining issues but unfortunately do not have an ETA or a workaround.
I will update this thread when I have more information. Thank you for your patience and again I’m sorry for the frustration this issue is causing.
12 Posted by Naomi Schoenfel... on 23 Jun, 2018 03:12 PM
John -- since it's a symptom of the more recent versions of VoodooPad, do you have any information on how far I might need to backtrack in order to get to a version that doesn't show these issues?
Honestly, although I appreciate everything that is awesome about VoodooPad, the combined additional hassle-factor of the various issues (the not-remembering-windows one, plus having to constantly re-open the side drawer, plus a short list of a few others I haven't bothered to ask about here) is cutting into my workflow enough that I'm starting to reluctantly think about alternate software solutions.
Backing up to an earlier version of VoodooPad might at least solve that, for now.
13 Posted by Darin on 23 Jun, 2018 03:28 PM
There’s a work around for those running 10.13.5:
Option-command-q (or hold the option key when you select the application menu) gives you the “Quit and keep windows”
On my machine this preserves windows (size and position) and tabs.
14 Posted by Naomi Schoenfel... on 23 Jun, 2018 03:36 PM
Thanks, Darin -- this helps, definitely, but is unreliable:
For me, it preserves the size and position of the overall window, but which tabs it actually keeps and re-opens seems pretty random. Generally, when I re-open it has about half the tabs it closed with, and I can't see any pattern to which it decides to keep.
The drawer settings are still lost, too.
Much better than nothing, though. Thanks again!
15 Posted by Darin on 23 Jun, 2018 03:41 PM
Hi Naomi,
Ya, I've seen some odd tab behavior too (now that I'm using it with more tabs open). I can't figure out a system—as you say, it seems random. If I figure out how to make it work more consistently, I'll certainly post it.
16 Posted by Darin on 03 Aug, 2018 05:00 AM
The latest update (5.2.2) has not solved the window issue on my MacBook Pro. When I quit VoodooPad and relaunch it, the application does not reopen the windows that were open when I quit.
VoodooPad: 5.2.2 (6332)
Computer: Mid 2015 MacBook Pro (15")
OS: 10.13.6
Oddly (but happily) the update has fixed the problem on my mid-2013 iMac
17 Posted by Debora on 17 Nov, 2020 04:56 PM
I too am on a MacOS Mojave and will be upgrading soon. I LOVE this so far. I can't figure out how to get the window to relaunch into the same size as it was when I closed it. I have 5.3.0 (6450) version of the app. I have a macbook pro 2017. Thanks! I have been waiting to upgrade until I found a similar program to xPad and this is as close as it gets!! Thanks so much!