Availability of PDFs for macOS and IOS versions?

guyb's Avatar


20 Apr, 2018 01:38 AM

Hi. Congraulations on the update. VP was sorely in need of some love and as a long-time user it is great to see. I have a request which is in the subject - I'm disabled, poor eyesight and hate pages of on-screen help. Could PDFs of the Help for the 2 platforms please be made available. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this desire/want and availability will probably increase the popularity of the software amongst potential users. Thanks.

  1. 1 Posted by Colin on 20 Apr, 2018 02:29 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    Thanks for reaching out to us about this. I'll pass this suggestion along to my team and see if we can provide PDF versions of the help documentation available in the VoodooPad applications. To make sure that I fully understand what you're looking for, is the main benefit of having PDF copies of the help documentation for you that they can be printed easily?

    Documentation for VoodooPad is also available on our website here, which I hope may be useful to you.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

  2. 2 Posted by guyb on 21 Apr, 2018 12:28 AM

    guyb's Avatar

    Thanks for thee reply. Printed easily, yes; but also the pdf file is a
    good format for having around for consultation on various devices and
    imho much better than having to go to a web site. You can also annotate
    easily. Take a look at the Keyboard Maestro site where as well as
    on-line docs they also always have a downloadable pdf version available
    of the extensive helpfile - it is very convenient. Ditto for Omni
    (increasingly epub unfortunately) and quite a few others.

    While I'm on the Keyboard Maestro item I do wish VoodooPad had more
    extensive, sensible keyboard shortcuts rather than having to use the
    mouse all the time, even for the most basic things. I could and do use
    KM to supplement but it would be better if the original software package
    catered for it. The usual two cent thought. Woul ber interested in what
    others thought.

  3. 3 Posted by Colin on 23 Apr, 2018 03:09 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    I see, thanks for following up with me, and thanks for your feedback about keyboard shortcuts. Could you give me an example or two of the kind of functionality that you would like to be able to control with keyboard shortcuts in VoodooPad?

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

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