Mac Version of 5.2 no Longer Remember Open Document Tabs, Position and Size
After applying the update, when I close and re-open a VoodooPad document on my Mac, all information about the main document window is lost including open tabs and size.
I am also having syncing issues with the IOS version so it is possible that this issue is caused by the drop box sync corrupting these setting on the Mac.
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31 Posted by Mark on 09 Nov, 2018 08:49 PM
Yes this is still an issue (major problem) with 5.2.3. It really does make VoodooPad unusable for me. VoodooPad 4.3.6 still works wonderfully well in Mojave 10.14.1. But, alas, it is 32-bit. Will be quite sad if I cannot use VoodooPad in macOS 10.15
32 Posted by andrewb on 09 Nov, 2018 08:56 PM
I have a weird situation at this point. First, I have "Close windows when quitting an app" in system prefs unchecked. One of my documents remembers its tabs. Another document will not remember its tabs, size etc.
The 5.2.3 update changed nothing about the behavior above. Perhaps this problem has something to do with old setting in VoodooPad documents. I have been using VoodooPad for years and many of my documents are very old.
33 Posted by Naomi S on 11 Nov, 2018 10:47 AM
The most recent update hasn't fixed this for me either -- it's still re-opening as a small square on the index page with no tabs, no matter what I had open or how I had it organized.
None of the other problematic behaviors I've reported have been addressed, either (e.g., the side drawer is tab-specific, so, as I shift between tabs it vanishes and re-appears; hitting the 'back' button takes me to the top of that page, rather than to the place I was at in it before -- especially problematic because I need to open every link in a new tab in order to avoid ever hitting the 'back' button since I lose my place).
Going back to v4, and starting the process of finding some sort of alternative to migrate away to. Love, love, love VoodooPad, but it's starting to look too much like the new folks can't work with it terribly successfully -- and I need something that works.
Still hoping very much that fixes come...
34 Posted by Naomi S on 11 Nov, 2018 10:50 AM
Anyone know where I can download the older (last v4) version? I'd assumed it would be on the site somewhere, but I'm not finding it.
Here's hoping at least that is available, or I won't even be able to use that as a fix to stay with VoodooPad.
35 Posted by loïc on 11 Nov, 2018 08:36 PM
Same problem here with VoodooPad Version 5.2.3 (6357). I removed the preferences files, and also start a new document but it always lost the position and open tab.
Support Staff 36 Posted by John on 13 Nov, 2018 04:58 AM
There's a known issue in macOS 10.13 (and earlier) that causes VoodooPad to not properly restore documents and windows on launch. This issue is fixed in macOS 10.14.
Please let us know if you continue to see this issue with VoodooPad 5.2.3 on macOS 10.14.
37 Posted by andrewb on 13 Nov, 2018 06:15 AM
Thanks for your response. I am running OS 10.14.1 and VoodooPad 5.2.3.
After receiving your response I played around with this a bit and there are two use cases.
1. Open a document, resize it, open many tabs. Close the document but not VoodooPad and then re-open it. Upon reopening the document, the window size and open tabs are lost.
2. Open a document, resize it, open many tabs. Quit VoodooPad. Relaunch VoodooPad. The Document opens with all tabs. The size doesn’t quite match the previous size; almost seems to be previous size - 1 (as in the second to the last window size before closing, but I can’t say for sure without more testing).
This seems to be an improvement, but in the past, but cases 1 and 2 would remember sizing and open tabs.
For VoodooPad 5.2.3, what do you consider the proper functionality for use cases 1 and 2?
Andrew Barton
eBlox, Inc.
512.867.1001 x101
38 Posted by Darren Wheatley on 13 Nov, 2018 08:03 AM
Still broken on 10.14 and latest Voodoo Pad.
39 Posted by Mark on 13 Nov, 2018 10:54 AM
This is still an issue with VoodooPad 5.2.3 on macOS 10.14.1.
It has been an issue with all versions of VoodooPad 5.x
It has never been an issue with VoodooPad 4.3.6 (the last version by Flying Meat) which has worked properly, and indeed continues to work properly in all versions of Mac OS X from Mac OS X 10.6 through macOS 10.14.1.
VoodooPad 4.3.6 has a specific preference for this “Remember Workspace on Quit”, please open a version of 4.3.6 and observe under Preferences - General
This preference is not present in all versions of VoodooPad 5.x
Other apps I use do this behavior correctly in all versions of macOS including macOS 11, 12, 13 and the current macOS 10.14.1, BBEdit comes to mind
This is very frustrating as the responses from Primate Lab seems to indicate they do not understand what the issue is here.
40 Posted by Mark on 13 Nov, 2018 11:13 AM
Let’s put this another way:
I am respectfully making a request for a new feature in VoodooPad 5.x
I would like VoodooPad 5.x upon opening to open the previously used document I was using when last using VoodooPad
Examples of this feature can be seen in:
VoodooPad 4.3.6 under Preferences - General - Remember workspace on quit
BBEdit 12.5 under Preferences - Application - Reopen documents that were open at last quit
Thank you
41 Posted by Josh Garoon on 13 Nov, 2018 12:30 PM
andrewb's experience most closely reflects mine:
Closing the program retains even multiple windows, with their tabs, for me (and I don't seem to be encountering any window resizing on start-up/reopen).
Closing windows and reopening documents loses the open tabs before the window closure.
Thanks for you work on this!
42 Posted by millerwbryan on 13 Nov, 2018 01:39 PM
As with the others, 5.2.3 on masOS 10.13.6 does not remember window sizes, tabs, etc. However, 5.1.8 continues to work just fine.
43 Posted by Mark on 15 Nov, 2018 01:03 PM
Question for Andrewb and Josh.
This seems to work partially for you. I do not notice these behaviors at all. Did you uncheck the following in in the macOS System Preferences? "open macOS System Preferences and check under General, there should be an option that says "Close windows when quitting an app"
This is not a suitable option for me since it changes this behavior for every application I use.
VooDooPad really needs this preference option for itself only.
44 Posted by andrewb on 15 Nov, 2018 01:35 PM
Hi Mark,
I do not have that preference option checked.
Andrew Barton
45 Posted by Josh Garoon on 15 Nov, 2018 02:06 PM
Hi Mark,
Unchecked. If it's checked (as you're probably aware) other programs I want to reopen windows upon restart won't behave that way. And if I *don't* want a given program to reopen its last windows upon restart, I just hold down the "shift" key while opening that program -- I've never had a problem with that before, and I believe it's native MacOS functionality.
I'm curious: are there other programs that provide override this System Preference option in the way you're asking VP to?
46 Posted by jakob on 15 Nov, 2018 02:48 PM
andrewb wrote:
"1. Open a document, resize it, open many tabs. Close the document but not VoodooPad and then re-open it. Upon reopening the document, the window size and open tabs are lost. "
Exactly! It is very important for me, that document-size and open tabs are not lost, when you open and close the document inside VoodooPad.
I have been using VoodooPad since 2005 on a daily basis, and some of my documents I open shortly, and then close again, while continuing using other open VoodooPad document.
It seems to me, that the developers, only want to store size and open tabs info on quit, i.e. system-based.
Size and open tabs info needs to be stored in document!
This was the functionality of the old VoodooPad.
Support Staff 47 Posted by John on 15 Nov, 2018 03:32 PM
Some background information.
When we switch to native tabs in VoodooPad 5.2, we also had to switch to macOS' built-in window restoration mechanism (there's no way to inspect tab state in macOS 10.12, so we couldn't continue to use our own restoration mechanism).
Unfortunately macOS' mechanism only runs during app startup and app shutdown, and not during document opening and closing. Also, macOS' mechanism has issues in macOS 10.13 and earlier, so it doesn't work reliably especially when there are a large number of documents or tabs open. I'm not sure why this issue doesn't affect other applications -- we asked Apple for a workaround when we reported the bug with the mechanism, but didn't receive a response.
I'm currently looking into whether it's possible to hijack the macOS restoration mechanism for use on document open and close. If that doesn't work, newer versions of macOS give us information about tab state so we might be able to write our own window restoration mechanism. That would require dropping support for macOS 10.12.
Sorry. None of this is ideal, but we're trying to figure it out.
48 Posted by Mark on 15 Nov, 2018 05:12 PM
Hi Josh,
I believe there are many but one I use constantly is BBEdit including the current version 12.5
Under Preferences - Application there is an option to check or not “Reopen documents that were open at last quit”
And most importantly the last version of VoodooPad by flying meat version 4.3.6 there is an option under
Preferences - General with an option to check or uncheck "Remember workspace on quit”
Your choice in these applications work regardless of what is chosen in your macOS System Preferences under General “Close windows when quitting an app” the default for macOS is to have this checked which is how I like it for most applications such as Safari, Word etc. but in VoodooPad and BBEdit I really need them to do the opposite.
49 Posted by Mark on 15 Nov, 2018 05:34 PM
Do you still have access to the code for the last version of VoodooPad by Flying Meat, VoodooPad 4.36?
The option in VoodooPad 4.3.6 "Remember workspace on quit" under Preferences - General has worked flawlessly through all versions of macOS from its release including macOS 10.12, 10.13 and the current version 10.14 and 10.14.1
I'm aware 4.3.6 is a 32-bit app. Is the code responsible for this in 4.3.6 not able to be ported to the 64-bit code of VoodooPad 5.x?
50 Posted by Mark on 15 Nov, 2018 06:05 PM
Ahh, it all makes better sense to me now. Thanks for the reply. I’ve never been much in using tabs. Whatever you can work out in restoring documents on open with or without tabs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
51 Posted by Mark on 15 Jan, 2019 10:08 PM
Still no fix for this issue with version 5.3. Sigh.
52 Posted by Naomi Schoenfel... on 30 Oct, 2019 02:03 PM
This is still unresolved for me. Just checking in to find out if there's been any attempt to fix -- anyone found a solution?