Accessing + editing Voodoopad docs on Android? Or Evernote syncing?

Oliver Baum's Avatar

Oliver Baum

16 Apr, 2018 02:59 PM

I was curious if there was any plans to make a Voodoopad android app at all? I would love to be able to view and edit my voodoopad docs from Android (I would be happy to pay extra for an app). Alternatively, I would be interested in at least some kind of solution that allowed editing of voodoopad documents on Android.

Previously, to get around the fact Voodoopad has no android app, I've attempted to create a Voodoopad to Evernote syncing tool (using applescript) that converts my voodoo pad docs to ENML and keeps a synced version of my voodoopad docs in Evernote so I can edit them using the Evernote app. Perhaps official support for something similar to that would be a good alternative to an Android app, since I'm sure there are a lot of Evernote users out there.


  1. 1 Posted by Sarah on 16 Apr, 2018 07:06 PM

    Sarah's Avatar

    Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've passed this on to my team and we will look into this as a future improvement.


    Primate Labs Inc.

  2. 2 Posted by Oliver Baum on 16 Apr, 2018 07:36 PM

    Oliver Baum's Avatar

    Thank you!

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