Can't edit synced pages in the iOS app

Markus's Avatar


09 Apr, 2018 04:49 AM

Hi there!

I downloaded the iOS app, the one which can edit pages. However, I ran into the problem that I can can create pages and edit them in the app, but I couldn't edit one single page that was synced from the Mac app. I synced via WLAN, not Dropbox. I understand that VP on the Mac uses RTF but the iOS app uses text only and in some of the pages, I used tables. However, I cannot edit any page at all.

Any suggestions? Do I have to make some settings in the Mac app?


  1. 1 Posted by Colin on 09 Apr, 2018 05:45 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    Thanks for reaching out to us about this, and I'm sorry for any trouble caused by this issue. Could you let me know what version of VoodooPad you have installed on your Mac, and what page types (e.g. Plain Text, Rich Text) you're trying to edit?

    Currently VoodooPad for iOS does not support editing Rich Text pages, and I would recommend using Plain Text or Markdown pages for the time being if you would like to edit from iOS. I do recommend checking in next week (the week of April 16) as we have a substantial update for VoodooPad scheduled for iOS and Mac.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

  2. 2 Posted by Markus on 09 Apr, 2018 05:54 PM

    Markus's Avatar

    Hi Colin, thanks for the quick response!

    I'm using the App Store version of VoodooPad (5.1.8). However, the documents were created with a substantially older version of VP (before 2014). Maybe it is because of this? As I've explained in the previous post, the un-editable docs from the desktop version are RTF documents. So this will possibly be the error. I will try to rewrite them into Markdown and see what happens. I'm also looking forward to the update.

    Thanks for the help!

    Greetings, Markus

  3. 3 Posted by Colin on 10 Apr, 2018 02:11 PM

    Colin's Avatar


    I see, thanks for following up with me. Converting your pages to markdown or plain text should allow you to edit them on iOS and macOS. If you have any further trouble editing your content, please let me know and I would be happy to help out.

    All the best,
    Primate Labs Inc.

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