Can't run Geekbench on systems with 16k page size

geerlingguy's Avatar


28 Sep, 2023 05:02 AM

I recently tried running Geekbench 6.2.0 LinuxARMPreview on a system where I'm testing 16k page size (versus the standard 4k size), and got the following error:

<jemalloc>: Unsupported system page size
<jemalloc>: Unsupported system page size
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what(): std::bad_alloc

Is support for 16k page size potentially coming for aarch64 builds?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by John on 10 Oct, 2023 06:09 PM

    John's Avatar

    We're looking into adding support for 16K pages in Geekbench 6 for Linux/ARM. We don't know when support will be available, though.

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