Low Compute GB5 results on iPhone 14 Pro

Franco Chang's Avatar

Franco Chang

24 Feb, 2023 05:09 PM

I got a new iPhone 14 Pro recently, downloaded Geekbench 5 since I had previously purchased it. Tested the CPU benchmark and it does okay, around the average. Sometimes lower, sometimes higher as expected, but the GPU or Compute Benchmark does come out pretty low compared to the average iPhone 14 Pro, I’m getting close to 13,500 points, never even crossed to 14,000. While the average iPhone 14 Pro is at 15386 as of today. Anyone has any thoughts on this.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by John on 03 Mar, 2023 03:47 AM

    John's Avatar

    How does your phone do in the GPU Compute Benchmark in Geekbench 6? The in-app comparisons aren't available yet, but you can compare your score against the average on the Geekbench Browser: https://browser.geekbench.com/ios_devices/iphone-14-pro

  2. 2 Posted by Franco David Ch... on 22 Mar, 2023 01:47 PM

    Franco David Chang Him's Avatar

    It does perfectly fine (Right next to the average iPhone 14 Pro) in the GPU Computer with GB6, I guess my phone has a glitch or something in the code that’s holding it back in the GPU Compute with. GB5. The funny part is that it’s particularly my phone because I have seen lots of iPhone 14 Pro records submitted for the GPU Compute GB5 right up there with the average

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