Asking about paid version of Geekbench for Android

Triet Huynh's Avatar

Triet Huynh

06 Sep, 2022 09:05 AM

Hi Primate Labs,

I am Triet, manager in software engineering division in Renesas Design Vietnam Co., Ltd.
We are developing some Android embedded system on Renesas board, and evaluate its performance by using some benchmark tools.
After our consideration, we found Geekbench as the great tool for us.

In the past, we used to use Geekbench from Google Store to test our boards, but the Benchmark Browser recorded our platform information (such as: As you may know, these platforms are our confidential products, and it should NOT be posted anywhere.

I checked on Geekbench website (, there are paid versions which has "Offline Result Management", it seems it can secure our product information (?!)
But in store (, Geekbench 5 and Geekbench 5 Pro version just support MacOS / Windows / Linux, no information for Android supporting.

My question is: is there any paid version for Android OS (Android 10/11/12 or newer), which can secure our product information?

Thank you!

  1. 1 Posted by Artem S. Tashki... on 17 Oct, 2022 08:20 PM

    Artem S. Tashkinov's Avatar

    AFAIK there's no paid version of GB for Android.

    Here's how you can go about this issue.

    Run the benchmark when you've got an active Internet connection. Once it's launched, disconnect from the Internet. You'll still get the results without leaking them. I would actually uninstall the app before connecting to the Internet again just in case.

  2. 2 Posted by Triet Huynh on 08 May, 2024 07:06 AM

    Triet Huynh's Avatar


    Thank you for the reply, I understood!

    Kind Regards.

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